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In message Wed, 07 Dec 1994 12:08:53 -0500, ptran@hti.net (Paul Tran)  writes:

> As I know from IBM, we can not upgrade CPU.
> The cost to upgrade hard disk to 540MB and 810MB is very significant.
> Can we add a regular Quantum, Seagate HD for a cheaper price.

The TP75x uses 17mm high drives.  Most of the 2.5" drives out there are
19mm.  There are a couple that are 14mm (none over ~340MB last I heard),
and many of the subnotebooks use 12.5mm drives.

You may want to buy an IBM OEM drive.  It's the same thing as the TP drive
only without the plastic case.  Costs about half what IBM charges.  I'm
sure someone has the info on Micro Machines or Sigma Data(?).

You will need a flash BIOS update to use drives >500MB on the 750.

> Can we use any Intel upgrade chip to bring this CPU up.

I believe the TP750 CPUs, even the CE, are not socketed.
| |                                                                     |
| | John H. Kim    "None of what you are seeing is actually happening." |
| | jokim@mit.edu        - disclaimer for TV movie 'Without Warning'    |
| | jokim@uni.uiuc.edu     jokim@tuna.mit.edu does not work (yet)       |