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Disk Compression [Was Warp]

--> From owner-tp750@CS.UTK.EDU Mon Dec  5 17:48 EST 1994
--> X-Resent-To: tp750@CS.UTK.EDU ; Mon, 5 Dec 1994 17:00:59 EST
--> Date: Mon, 5 Dec 94 17:01:16 -0500
--> From: dewar@gnat.cs.nyu.edu (Robert Dewar)
--> To: dewar@gnat.cs.nyu.edu, jokim@mit.edu, tp750@CS.UTK.EDU
--> Subject: Re: Warp
--> decompression programs work in discrete blocks (at least stacker does and
--> so does double space), so you do not lose the whole file if compression
--> goes bad. I wouldn't consider using a program that had this characterstic.
--> Does the one that you are talking about really have this fatal flaw.
--> Data should only be backed up if it cannot be recovered, otherwise why
--> bother. THe issue is whether compression makes it more likely that you
--> have to go through this recovery.

Stacker and Double Space are mentioned here, but what about Super-Stor/DS in 
PC DOS 6.1?  Does it work in discrete blocks?  Also, out of curiosity, has 
anyone ever had any problems using SuperStor?  So far (knock on wood :) it 
has worked just fine for me.



|  ___                   ||     Michael J. Sears, Graduate Student           |
| (      __  __  __ __   ||     INTERNET:  sears@ecn.purdue.edu              |
|  `--  |--'|  ||  (_    ||     Department of Agricultural Engineering       |
|  ___) `-- `--||  __)   ||     Purdue University                            |
|                        ||     West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-1146  USA      |