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Re: Warp & Windows (fwd)

>I just installed Warp over Windows on my tp750.  When I ran a Windows app
>under Warp, the speaker emitted a horrible starngling noise, and the system
>locked up pretty soon after.

>Now, when I boot Dos, Windows comes up with a "Not enough memory ..."
>error on startup (though there is nothing in the startup folder).  After
>that, I can only start one or two apps without getting an "Not enough memory"

If you boot OS/2 and press F1 then select INDEX you will find a listing 
for Multimedia.  If you double click on this item you will be asked to 
double click the inf book.  This will open the multimedia inf book.  Here
you will find an item "Installing multimedia support ~Adding Windows audio

It includes copying files from the os2\drivers\cs4231 directory to the 
windows and windows\system directory.

If you still have problems repost here, I'll see what else I remember.

// Stephen Hosmer
// hosmer@ibm.net
// Royale Operating Company