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Re: Warp

>It looks like I'll be able to get a free copy of IBM's Warp through my uni.
>Do we have a consensus over Warp with relation to (a) disk space, (b) 
>thinkpad video drivers, and (c) thinkpad PCMCIA and power preservation 

A reaction about (a) disk space:
Warp was somewhat of a disappointment for me as my Thinkpad has only a 170
Mb hd, which I had doublespaced into 240 Mb. On that drive I had about 80 Mb
free - rather comfortable.
Then came Warp: I had to de-install doublespace, which meant that I had to
move about 100 Mb valuable software from my drive. 
After deinstalling I was left with my normal C-drive with about 100 Mb free.
I installed Warp, which costed me 45 MB.
So now I have Warp and about 50 MB free space left.
I feel disappointed because I still miss that 100 Mb software that I had to
In some newsgroups I was told that in January there will be a Stacker 4
especially for OS2. I'll wait for that.
In the mean time I keep thinking: why did not IMB include a diskcompression
programm with Warp? It would made switching operating systems much more
easier for many people. I have used Doublespace for more than a year and had
never any trouble with it. 
Many people advised me to buy a bigger HD, but I live in the Netherlands and
the IBM Thinkpad HD's are very, very expensive here.


  Rob Ruggenberg     
  The  Netherlands               
  E-mail: robr@iaehv.nl      

Every time a child says 'I don't believe in fairies' there is a little fairy 
somewhere that falls down dead.   (John Matthew Barrie)