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(fwd) 2.5" to 3.5" IDE Adapters (fwd)

Someone expressed an interest in doing this some time ago. I've done 
business with this guy, he's very agreeable.

I might mention that you _might_ be able to adapt this on your own. The 
connector on a 2.5 HD is just a few extra pins that incorporate the power 
onto the data plug. It uses 5v only. But if you're not of a mind to jerk 

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From: larsenc@LCS.com (Craig Larsen)
Newsgroups: biz.comp.hardware,misc.forsale,misc.forsale.computers.pc-clone,misc.forsale.computers.mac
Subject: 2.5" to 3.5" IDE Adapters
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 94 07:38:36 MST
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I have approx. 150 circuit cards that perform the function of adapting an
IDE 2.5" hard drive's data connector to a standard IDE cable.

$25 each Qty 1 - 9
$23 each Qty 10 - 49  
$20 eacg Qty 50 +

Craig Larsen	

Larsen Consulting and Sales   HD's, CD-ROM Drives, Modems, Software & More !
1-800-297-8051  Orders Only   Over 1500 Satisfied UseNet/FidoNet Customers
  602-548-1542                Author of the Winsock Application FAQ
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