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Re: external harddrives

> I have a tp755cs and a pathetic 170 meg hd which is getting very crowded.
> I'm looking for an external hard disk to go along with my 170mb hd
> I guess SCSI-2 is the best huh?
> well, should I go with a pcmcia scsi-2
> or through EPP?
> I already have a ethernet card (pcmcia) and the scsi-2 card might not
> fit in (due to cable) and also, would the external harddisk access speed
> be faster through the pcmcia scsi-2 or the epp?


  If performance is your primary concern, SCSI-2 is _much_ faster than the
EPP port.  SCSI-1 and SCSI-2 run at 5 MByte/sec, Fast SCSI-2 (synchronous)
runs at 10MByte/sec.  EPP runs at 960 KByte/sec -- a factor of 10 slower.


| Robert George            |  Army Research Laboratory              |
| robertg@assb01.arl.mil   |  AMSRL-SS-IC                           |
| Voice: (408) 656-3316    |  2800 Powder Mill Road                 |
| Fax:   (408) 656-2814    |  Adelphi, MD 20783-1197                |  

A designer knows when he has achieved perfection not when there is
nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
        -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery