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RE: scsi pcmcia that works with an xjack?

I have another alternative  that more scary but gives a solid 
connection and locks the line into the xjack. Remove the PCMCIA
slot cover r and hang it off the network dongle. This gives the
network card enough play to allow the phone line to lock in.
In addition you can remove the first couple of millimeters off
the front of the phone cable. 

I do not recommend the above but it works for me.

Martin P. Smith msmith@netcom.COM

On Mon, 14 Nov 1994, John H. Kim wrote:

> In message Mon, 14 Nov 1994 15:51:43 -0800, jesse@spine.com  writes:
> > Anyone have a good solution here? I love my xjack, but would like to add
> > a scsi adapter to hook up an external drive and an external nec 3xp..
> >
> > I'm a bit concerned about one of those damned dongle cables fitting
> > underneath the xjack..
> It won't fit.  I've got an ethernet card taking up the same space.  It's a
> drawback to the xjack.
> If you don't mind having a tenuous connection, you can still put the phone
> jack in the xjack.  It won't lock in, but it should make enough of a contact
> to work.  But if you move the computer or touch the phone line, you'll
> lose the connection.
>  _______________________________________________________________________
> |\_______________________________________________________________________\
> | |                                                                       |
> | | John H. Kim      "None of what you are seeing is actually happening." |
> | | jokim@mit.edu                                                         |
> | | jokim@uni.uiuc.edu     - disclaimer for TV movie 'Without Warning'    |
>  \|_______________________________________________________________________|