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Newcomer + Request info on TP360 Serie

Hello ThinkPad users,

I am a newcomer to this mailing list. I am especially 
interested in the Thinkpad 360 Serie and free *IX (Like
Linux, *BSD).

I have no Thinkpad yet but I am certainely going to buy one
in the next few weeks.

As I'd like to run Linux as my first operating system and do
some kernel developments on it, I have been looking for a solid
and powerful configuration. I have a limited budget also. You know,
in FRANCE, laptops and especially IBM 75x are still very expensive.
For instance, the TP755C (486dx4/75, 4Mo, 170Mo is at 44000FF-US $7333 !)
That's why I've been looking to the (more economical) 360 Series.
Of course, the old 360s were using a 486Sx33Mhz (only !) CPU. 
That's why I've been really happy to learn about the new 360 models
which are TP360CSE and TP360CE. These are provided with a 486DX2/50Mhz.
The other characteristics seem to be the same as the old ones (take
a look at IBM's official announcement).

My targeted model is the TP360CSE (dual scan) with a 340Mo disk.
But before ordering this laptop, I WOULD LIKE TO GATHER AS MUCH
AS INFORMATION, EXPERIENCES AS POSSIBLE on this model (or old ones). 

I have a question not specifically related to Thinkpad:

  We are currently facing a race in laptop power. New 486dx4/100Mhz
  and Pentium-based machine are announced. But really few models
  use an external L2 cache. What's the interest of a high speed CPU,
  despite it's internal cache, if there is no external one ? Memory
  intensive applications won't get full CPU power. And finally
  we can arrive to a point where a 33Mhz machine will better
  run an application than a 100Mhz one !!

  - What's your opinion on this problem ?

  - Apart from the CPU, what are it's weak points and strong one ?
  - Is there any particular and annoying problems or incompatibilities ?
  - What's the video chipset in it ?
  - What's the PCMCIA controller chipset ?
  - Did someone try to use an external keyboard AND mouse at the same time
    using the Y cable ? In this case, can I connect any standard PS/2 style
    mouse to this cable ?
  - I know that the video card uses a VESA local bus, but what about
	the hard drive controller (IDE, E-IDE ?) ?

  - Did someone on this list already order any of the new 360 (CSE,CE) ? 
	What's his/her first impressions ?

  - Concerning Linux, are the floppy (even though this is a 1.44Mo) and
    CMOS settings incompatibilities still present ?
  - What about XFree86-3.x settings (Xconfig) for Dual scan screens ?
  - What PCMCIA card are supported by both Thinkpad and Linux ?

Thanks for your help.

 St'ephane ERANIAN			| Email	eranian@chorus.fr
 Universit'e PARIS VII			|	eranian@litp.ibp.fr
 LITP - Laboratoire d'Informatique	|
 Th'eorique et Programmation		|
 2 place Jussieu			|
 75251 Paris cedex 05			|