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Re: Warp/APM woes

>So the audio drivers now support sound in Windows under OS/2?  They didn't
>before.  Try reading through the MMPM/2 README.  It had some important
>stuff buried in it in OS/2 2.1.

Windows sounds are now supported in an OS/2 session.  It still has
the inherent limitations of Windows (i.e. skips if you load up too
CPU intensive apps), but that's why they include a copy of MMOS! :)

>Also, contrary to Sean's report on the Warp Beta, you seem to have Warp
>running SVGA on the TP750.  Is that correct?

Actually, I had SVGA on the TP750C using Warp Beta II.  I don't know
if it got lost in the Warp GA release though (I doubt it).

BTW, the man who demo'd Warp GA for us was none other than Timothy
Sipples.  Since I picked him up from the train station and many
of us cruised out for pizza afterward, I had quite a lot of fun
(and tried to pick his brain about IBM's strategies).
Sean Chou / schou@uiuc.edu / CompuServe 73672,2111