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Re: 750C 12M RAM 170 HD, Ethernet Forsale

$3750 for a used 33MHz 750C is much too high.

For $3295 you can buy a new 50MHz 755C with a 170 meg drive, adding the
extra 8MB of memory and ethernet card would bring the cost of a new 755C
comparably equipped to about the same price.

I would have thought that $2500 was a more realistic price.

One of the troubles with THinkpads is that they are (a) expensive and (b)
because of frequent upgrades, lose their value very quickly.

Incidentally the thinkpad price I quote is from EXEL in NYC, 1-800-486-EXEL.
There are actually three or four places advertising immediate availability of
755C's in NYC at pretty reasonable prices

(the EXEL price for a 75MHz 755C wutg a 340 meg drive is $5295, and 
New Tech (1-800-554-9747) is advertising immediate availability of 75MHz
755C's with 540 meg drives for $5595.