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Re: necessary directories?

>> And this is a bad thing in what way? Personally, I've never understood 
>>why IBM sent me a promo for a machine I'd already bought.

tsk tsk, what a poor poor attitude. Now you've brankrupted yourself buying this 
new toy, you gotta show the machine to all your buddies, and for that you
need a  wowee demo.

What happened to the gimme generation?

many 8-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))'s 

///************************************************************************** //
/// Simon Maufe                          ||| MAUFE@TWEETY.DIGSYS.COM          //
/// Daugerty Systems                     ||| 314-432-8200 office              //
/// St Louis                             ||| 314-257-8018 home                //
///                                      ||| 314-694-3207 client office       //
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