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http around firewalls

On Mon, 17 Oct 94 10:00:25 EDT chetal@gedny.ml.com (Pradeep Chetal) wrote:
  > Do you know about the Linux-on-a-ThinkPad web page?  It's at:
>  > 
>  > http://peipa.essex.ac.uk/html/linux-thinkpad.html
> For people behind firewalls (like us) who have access only for ftp & 
> can I ftp these (or FAQ or any blurb!).

I think there are real options, but until you come across one, you can 
always just telnet to the http port (which is all a web browser does 

telnet peipa.essex.ac.uk 80
get html/linux-thinkpad.html

works just fine.

Jesse Montrose       jesse@netcom.com jesse@xaostools.com cis:76646,3302
                     I don't recycle, I'm a consumer, damn it, I consume.