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New Thinkpad 360 Series models (Long)

These look the same as the old TP750CE except with a smaller screen.
You can obtain these product announcements at gopher.ibmlink.ibm.com 
under the Recent Announcements section.
IBM ThinkPad 360CE and 360CSE
Announced on October 17, 1994 
PRODUCT Announcement 194-353
Take it with you -- the ThinkPad(R) 360CE and 360CSE color notebook
systems feature the TrackPoint II(TM) pointing device, powerful
processors, super-fast local-bus video PCMCIA card slots,
long-running batteries, and light weight.  Plus, you get the same
styling and modular design that have made the ThinkPad models so
The ThinkPad 360CE or 360CSE system is particularly suitable if you
require a fast processor specifically for numeric-intensive
applications such as spreadsheets, engineering applications, and
graphics.  The processor is the SL Enhanced Intel 486DX2-50/25MHz,
with 8KB internal cache and a Math Co-Processor for increased
processing performance.
You can choose an 8.4-inch (when measured diagonally) VGA Thin Film
Transistor (TFT) Backlit LCD color display or a 9.5-inch (when
measured diagonally) STN Dual Scan Side-lit LCD color display.  The
systems include VESA Local Bus graphics with 1MB video RAM and SVGA
video external graphics port to support external CGA/EGA/MCGA
compatible monitors.
Preinstalled software, including PC DOS 6.3/Windows+ 3.1 and
applications such as Lotus** cc:mail**, PRODIGY**, and many more, is
included on all models.
The systems come with a removable internal nickel metal hydride
(NiMh) battery pack that weighs 1.2 pounds and provides enough power
to operate a ThinkPad 360CSE system for approximately 2.9 to seven
hours, and a ThinkPad 360CE system for approximately 3.2 to seven
hours.  The battery can be charged within 1.5 hours with an internal
charger provided with the system.  An AC adapter (30 Watt-100V) is
provided with each system.
All the systems include:  4MB of memory (optionally upgraded to
20MB), a PCMCIA slot that supports two Type II PCMCIA cards or one
Type III PCMCIA card, an internal 1.44MB, 3.5-inch removable diskette
drive, and 170MB (MB = million bytes), 340MB, or 540MB removable hard
disk (250MB and 810MB available as options).
                    Machine        Hard Disk
Description         Model          Capacity       Display
IBM ThinkPad 360CSE 2620-80D       170MB          DSTN
IBM ThinkPad 360CSE 2620-80F       340MB          DSTN
IBM ThinkPad 360CSE 2620-80G       540MB          DSTN
IBM ThinkPad 360CE  2620-90D       170MB          TFT
IBM ThinkPad 360CE  2620-90F       340MB          TFT
IBM ThinkPad 360CE  2620-90G       540MB          TFT
Single Unit Price Range:  $2,649 -- $4,199
Availability Date:  October 17, 1994
(R)   Registered trademark of International Business Machines
(TM)  Trademark of International Business Machines Corporation
+     Trademark of Microsoft Corporation
**    Product or company name is a trademark or registered trademark
      of its respective holder.
IN BRIEF . . .
|                                                                   |
| o  Light-weight portable notebook designed to fit into a          |
|    briefcase                                                      |
| o  Sophisticated power management including features to extend    |
|    the battery life while in normal use (three to seven hours     |
|    with a fully charged battery)                                  |
| o  SL Enhanced Intel 486DX2-50/25MHz microprocessor with 8KB      |
|    internal cache and a Math Co-Processor for compute-intensive   |
|    applications                                                   |
| o  4MB memory expandable to 20MB                                  |
| o  Internal 1.44MB, 3.5-inch removable diskette drive             |
| o  Choice of hard disk:  170MB, 340MB, or 540MB                   |
| o  Choice of color LCD displays:                                  |
|    -  Latest technology 8.4-inch (when measured diagonally) VGA   |
|       TFT backlit display supporting 256 crisp bright colors out  |
|       of possible 226,981                                         |
|    -  A 9.5-inch (when measured diagonally) STN Dual Scan         |
|       side-lit display 256 colors from a palette of 4,096         |
| o  Full-sized, 85-key keyboard with TrackPoint II and built-in    |
|    numeric keypad function (no additional space required to       |
|    operate an external mouse)                                     |
| o  I/O ports that support serial, enhanced parallel,              |
|    keyboard/mouse/numeric pad devices, and SVGA/EGA/CMGA video    |
|    display                                                        |
| o  External bus port for docking                                  |
| o  PCMCIA Card Slot that can accommodate two Type II or one Type  |
|    III PC cards                                                   |
| o  PC Card Director Utility to monitor PCMCIA cards               |
|                                                                   |
| Technical Support                                                 |
|                                                                   |
| o  ThinkPad EasyServ                                              |
| o  International Warranty Service                                 |
| o  HelpWare(R) for full range of service and support              |
| o  HelpCenter(R) (800-772-2227)                                   |
|                                                                   |
With the outstanding performance possible with the SL Enhanced Intel
486DX2-50/25MHz microprocessor, the ThinkPad 360CE and 360CSE systems
enable advanced business solutions for the mobile professional and
offer portable host-based computing via networking options.  These
systems also accommodate multitasking operating systems and
applications utilizing large memory with the optional 4MB, 8MB, or
16MB IC DRAM cards.  Up to 20MB of system memory is possible with
these options.
The ThinkPad 360CE and 360CSE systems enable connectivity expansion,
such as LAN connectivity through the IBM Token-Ring 16/4 Credit Card
Adapter and the IBM PCMCIA Adapter for Ethernet, and host connection
through the IBM 3270 Emulation Adapter.  These connectivity solutions
provide the synergy of uniting two of your assets, portable computing
and networking.  With your ThinkPad, you can access the applications
and data available on the network systems.
The ThinkPad 360CE and 360CSE systems allow you to take advantage of
applications for collection and transmission of data to other systems
and LANs, and allow you to bring reference material immediately to
hand while in the field.
Standard Features
The ThinkPad 360CE and 360CSE design features include personalized
nameplates and the sleek black design synonymous with the ThinkPad
Note: The personalized nameplate fits into a molded recess on the
system unit.  To request the personalized nameplate, you must
complete and mail the order/registration form included in the system
The ThinkPad 360CE and 360CSE come standard with removable hard disk
drives, giving you maximum flexibility to add larger hard disk drives
as needed to meet storage requirements.
The removable diskette drive also lets you configure the ThinkPad
360CE and 360CSE with expandable options, such as:
o  The IBM Mobile Communications Module, for cellular phone and CDPD
o  The ThinkPad TV Tuner, for access to selected television channels
   (supported only in ThinkPad 360CE systems)
   The ThinkPad 360CE and 360CSE systems provide the unique IBM
   TrackPoint II pointing device built into the keyboard.  It
   functions like the mouse that people have grown accustomed to and
   allows the user to point and select icons on the screen under
   control of the application with a minimum of hand movement and no
   additional space requirements.
Additional features include:
o  A pop-up keyboard for easy access to add memory, replace the
   battery, remove the diskette drive, or upgrade the hard disk drive
o  Plug-in flexibility with PCMCIA cards (two Type II slots or one
   Type III)
o  VESA Local Bus
o  1MB Video RAM for enhanced graphics performance
o  Memory:  the ThinkPad 360CE and 360CSE offer choices in
   customer-installable memory.  The IC-DRAM memory cards with or
   without parity are supported.  The parity bit, if available, is
   not used.
The ThinkPad 360CE and 360CSE are preinstalled with PC DOS,
Microsoft** Windows+, and several complimentary software
Preinstalled Software:
o  PC DOS 6.3
o  Microsoft Windows 3.11
o  IBM ThinkPad Marketing Demo
o  Online Publication
o  Official Airline Guide (OAG**) Flightdisk**
o  SofNet FaxWorks** 3.0
o  Lotus** Organizer
o  Lotus cc:mail
o  Lotus ScreenCam
o  America Online (AOL**)
o  CoSession** Host
o  Taxi**
o  Reuters** Money** Network
o  Second Nature Screen Saver
o  Farralon Replica**
o  Alphanet FollowFax** for Windows
o  Reprint** by Sedona
o  Compel PE**
The ThinkPad 360CE and 360CSE are supported with IBM HelpWare,
ThinkPad Proven(TM) products, Think EasyServ and International
Warranty Service, and key features like Advance Power Management and
Auto Configurator for PCMCIA cards.
IBM HelpWare:  IBM HelpWare is a comprehensive set of offerings
designed to provide you with a full range of service and support
options to help make your computing experience more productive and
enjoyable.  To provide you with the support you demand, many HelpWare
services are complimentary during the warranty period of your IBM
Personal Computer, and additional services are available from the
HelpWare Support Family.  For detailed information on HelpWare, refer
to Services Announcement 694-029, dated October 17, 1994, or call the
HelpCenter at 800-772-2227.
ThinkPad Proven:  ThinkPad Proven is an innovative program where IBM
is working with a number of industry-leading manufacturers whose
products and services meet our standards for ThinkPad compatibility,
warranty, and technical support.  ThinkPad Proven not only broadens
the customer's choice of products but gives peace of mind as well.
Before a third-party product can use the ThinkPad Proven emblem, the
manufacturer must state that the product has been tested, warranted,
and supported to demanding ThinkPad compatibility standards.
The ThinkPad Proven emblem signifies that:
o  The manufacturer has stated to IBM that the product has completed
   an IBM-developed test procedure that assures compliance with
   ThinkPad compatibility standards.
o  The product has been approved for use on specific ThinkPad models,
   which will be listed on the emblem.
o  The manufacturer warrants a hardware product for a minimum of
   three years; a software product for 90 days.
Additional information can be found in the ThinkPad Proven brochure
System Expandability
PCMCIA:  The ThinkPad 360CE and 360CSE systems have a PCMCIA slot
that can accommodate two Type II cards or one Type III PC card.  The
PCMCIA card slot conforms to the PCMCIA PC Card Standard release 2.01
and the PCMCIA Card and Socket Services Specification release 2.0,
dated November 1992.  This emerging standard allows for the insertion
of many devices, such as mass storage, memory, and communications.
The ThinkPad system also supports the suspend/resume function when
the PCMCIA card is installed.  For example, when the user is
operating with a communications application and PCMCIA card, after a
suspend/resume operation is completed, the user does not need to
restart the operating system or communications application.
PC Card Director:  PC Card Director is provided in a utility diskette
for DOS, Windows, and OS/2(R).  PC Card Director helps you obtain the
status and information on PCMCIA cards installed in the system.  On
Windows, PC Card Director can register an application program for
PCMCIA cards and execute them automatically.
Auto Configurator and Memory Device Driver:  Auto Configurator and
Memory Device Driver enable supported PCMCIA cards by sensing them
automatically.  A listing of supported PCMCIA cards by Auto
Configurator and Memory Device Driver is available from IBM.
Advanced Power Management
Power Management:  The ThinkPad 360CE and 360CSE systems provide a
power management system that is almost transparent to the user.  The
highly advanced power management hardware and software provides
longer battery life.  Automatic and manual power mode operations
(standby/suspend/hibernation) for energy conservation reduces battery
The ThinkPad 360CE and 360CSE systems also provide a ThinkPad
Features Program, which allows you to control power usage of the
computer.  The Fuel-Gauge Program shows remaining battery power.
While using the external power, the program indicates whether the
battery pack is fully charged or still being charged.
The ThinkPad Features Program allows you to preset the power
management mode for battery operation:  low, medium, or high
performance.  Power modes only affect the computer when the battery
pack is in use.  You can select settings for component time outs and
select the processor speed.  The timeout setting shuts off certain
components temporarily when no activity occurs for a preset amount of
time.  The timeout options are:
o  Suspend timer -- The computer is placed in a suspend mode.  In
   suspend mode, the computer is off; however, the information in the
   memory remains intact.
o  LCD off timer -- The LCD is turned off; however, the display
   contents remain in the memory.
o  Hard Disk timer -- The hard disk drive motor is turned off.
In addition, the user can select the speed of the processor.  The
computer runs faster at higher speed settings; however, lower speed
settings allow the computer to run longer on a battery charge.  The
processor runs at full speed when busy and slows down when the
computer is idle.
The following power modes can be initiated automatically or manually.
o  Standby Mode -- Entered for short periods of time, such as when
   you are having a short conversation
o  Suspend Mode -- Entered when you are going to be away from the
   computer for short periods of time
o  Hibernation Mode -- Entered when you leave your office but return
   the following day
The ThinkPad 360CE and 360CSE performance models round out the
ThinkPad 360 family line of competitively priced full-function
notebook computers.  Particularly suitable for the value-minded
notebook user, the ThinkPad 360CE and 360CSE provide fast processing
with the SL Enhanced Intel 486DX2-50/25MHz, including 8KB of internal
cache and a Math Co-Processor.  With a choice of 170MB, 340MB, or
540MB hard disk drive and a choice of TFT or DSTN color display, the
ThinkPad 360CE and 360CSE are nicely positioned between the 33MHz 360
family and the premium ThinkPad 755 family of portable computers.
The following publications are shipped with the product:
Title                                                 Number
IBM ThinkPad 360 Family
  User's Guide                                        S82G-5086
IBM ThinkPad 360CE/360CSE
  Diskette Group                                      S83G-7534
The User's Guide package contains the User's Guide manual, customer
registration form, and HelpCenter label.  The diskette package
contains the ThinkPad Utility Diskette and Video Features Diskette.
The following publications are available separately, with the
exception of the IBM ThinkPad Technical Reference, which will be
available in November 1994.  To order, call the IBM Software
Manufacturing Solutions Hotline at 800-879-2755.
                                             Order          Part
Publication                                  Number         Number
IBM ThinkPad 360 Family
  User's Guide                               S19H-1019      19H1019
IBM ThinkPad 360CE/360CSE
  Diskette Group                             S83G-7534      83G7534
IBM ThinkPad Technical
  Reference                                  S83G-7843      19H1157
ThinkPad Proven brochure                     G326-0425
ThinkPad 360 Family brochure                 G520-7122
The Technical Reference publications are for programmers, engineers,
and others who want to understand the ThinkPad 360CE and 360CSE
systems in greater detail.  The publications include functional
specifications, hardware specifications, and pin-outs for peripheral
ThinkPad 360CE and 360CSE
Service Publications (manuals and diskettes):
                                             Order          Part
Publication                                  Number         Number
Hardware Maintenance Manual,
  Volume 2: ThinkPad
  Computers                                  S82G-1502      19H1080
Hardware Maintenance
  Diskette                                   S82G-3891      82G3891
The Hardware Maintenance Manual contains service and reference