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Re: 32-bit disk access on 755 (fwd)

On Fri, 14 Oct 1994, Sean Chou wrote:

> >The IDE spec only allows drives < 512MB. The ThinkPad BIOS adds support 
> >for > 512MB, which allows the drive to be accessed. However, 32-bot disk 
> >access circumvents the BIOS, therefore Windows can;t understand your drive.
> >
> >CONCLUSION: You can't use 32-bit disk access on ThinkPads with > 512MB 
> >drives.
> Is this with > 512mb hard drives or with >512mb partitions?
> ---
> Sean Chou / schou@uiuc.edu / CompuServe 73672,2111

This is the drive size, not the partition size.

Adam Lee Wilkinson          * Just remember, no matter where you go,
adam@tiamat.umd.umich.edu   * there you are!   
Compuserve: 75470,71        *                 - Buckaroo Bonzai