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Re: About IBMVESA directory

>        Just a quick question.
>        How can I put the 'IBMVESA' directory under other directory like
>        'C:\DRIVERS\IBMVESA'? I don't like 'C:\IBMVESA':-) Hope this is
>        not a stupid question. Thanks!

	The boring and standard way would be to create a directory "Drivers"
then a subdirectory "IBMVESA", then copy everything from your other directory
into the new one, and delete the old one.

	The snazzy way would be to just move the whole directory with the
help of a utility.  Xtree does this nicely with the "graft" command.

-----                                          ________________________________
Randy Whittle    whittle@chaph.usc.edu         |  Some guy hit my fender the  |
USC School of Business (Fight on, 'SC Trojans!)|other day, and I said unto him|
  (My opinions are mine, but since I'm         |  "Be fruitful and multiply." |
    right, they should be yours too.)          |   --but not in those words.  |