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subscription request

ychou@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu has been added to the tp750 mailing list.


Welcome to the ThinkPad 750 mailing list!

This list is for general discussion among ThinkPad 75X owners and users,
including the various TP750, TP755, and TP360 models.  These models are
internally very different from the 350, 500, and 720 series machines, and 
much of the stuff discussed here won't apply to the latter group of machines.

(If you have a ThinkPad 500, you might want to subscribe to the ibm-tp500 list
instead.  To do this, send mail to Majordomo@virginia.edu with the line
"subscribe ibm-tp500 your-email-address" in the body.)

			>>> IMPORTANT <<<

To send something to the list, mail it to TP750@CS.UTK.EDU

To subscribe to the list, unsubscribe from the list, or to change your address,
send mail to TP750-REQUEST@CS.UTK.EDU.  (If you sent your subscribe message
to the whole list, that's okay, but please use the -REQUEST address next time!)

The FAQ for this group is available for anonymous ftp from
assistant.beckman.uiuc.edu, directory /wasserman/thinkpad,
file "tp75x.FAQ"  Thanks to Sean Chou <ychou@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu> 
for maintaining it.

Please introduce yourself!  Tell us what kind of machine you have,
how it's configured (how much memory/disk, what accessories, etc.),
and what operating system(s) you are using.  (send this to the LIST
address -- don't just reply to this message!)