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Re: Introduction

>>I heard about this list from some Usenet queries for help on  trying to get
>>installed on my Windows. The *(&%$*^ thing keeps giving me errors. I'm in the
>        I do have win32s installed, and it installed without a hitch.  What
>went wrong when you installed it?

When it tried to run the demo program (a 32 bit solitare game) it said: "Need
WIN32S.386 to run this; can't find it", or words to that effect. The funny thing
is, that program was there all the time. Tried expanding it separately and
putting copies in every conceivable sub-dir, but still didn't work. I got
the W32S.ZIP
from the Mosaic UIUC  home page, so I assume it's good. Am in the process
of updating the latest IMB system files & DOS, starting from scratch  with
no TSR's, and all the other usual kick-the-tires tricks. 

Could you list your CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT and I'll try doing
it the same way?

>>process of putting the latest PCDOS 6.3 and various utilities from the IBM FTP
>        Is there any advantage to pcdos? I took it off in favor of msdos,
>for two pretty superficial reasons, it was 9 meg, and that damned editor
>drove me nuts!

I see the other messages on the DOS wars, and I wouldn't touch that with
a ten foot pole. The only DOS I've understood was CPM. I use PCDOS
cause that's what came with it. <G>

>>My object is to get Mosaic 32 bit working. Although I'm not sure why I
>>tried, since
>>the old 16 bit version was working perfectly fine.
>        Hmm, it had never occurred to me to use mosaic32, how do you like
>pctcp?  Was it easy to get set up?

Mosaic 32  works just fine on my ancienct, slow 386 at work. Some more
feature that don't have anything to do with the operating system, but not
available on the 16 bit version.

I use PCTCP on both the desktop, for direct ethernet connection, and for
the 750 for remote SLIP connection. It wortks fine both ways and the
was not bad. After the SLIP connection is made on the 750, I do mail with
PC EUDORA for windows, QVT for news, Mosaic for the fun stuff, and the
PCTCP utilities for FTP & Telnetting.

>>I just saw the introduction from Jesse Montrose who has a similiar setup to
>>me. Maybe I'll let him break ground.
>        Breaking :)

Go ahead and dish the dirt...

Cheers, Bob

>Jesse Montrose          jesse@netcom.com jesse@xaostools.com cis:76646,3302
>                        I don't recycle, I'm a consumer, damn it, I consume.