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I'm Bob Kirk and have a TP750C , Megahertz 14.4K PCMCIA modem & old HP 512K
ROM card. I use Procomm Plus for comm and PC EUDORA over PCTCP network
software for SLIP internet access.

The basic TP has 20meg mempory and the 340 disk.

I heard about this list from some Usenet queries for help on  trying to get
installed on my Windows. The *(&%$*^ thing keeps giving me errors. I'm in the
process of putting the latest PCDOS 6.3 and various utilities from the IBM FTP
server on my machine (Thanks, dan Hammett) to make sure that's not the problem.
My object is to get Mosaic 32 bit working. Although I'm not sure why I
tried, since
the old 16 bit version was working perfectly fine.

I just saw the introduction from Jesse Montrose who has a similiar setup to
me. Maybe I'll
let him break ground.
