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I just subscribed to this 750 mailing list. So, I should intro. myself:

My name is Jitdhikorn Sundarasaradula (for short you may call me Jit or Jub).
I'm studying a Master degree at Edith Cowan University in Perth, Australia.
Now, I'm writing my thesis paper in Neural Network & Image Processing.
(hopefully, I should finish by the end of this year)

I currently own the 750p (the one with pen). It's very nice machine.
Mostly, I use it for doing my reserch (writing and analysing data). The
config of my machine is not anything fancy. The 750p model with 12MB RAM
and 170MB harddisk. For the software, apart from the PC Dos 6.1 & Pen Windows
that came preloaded with the 750p, I'm using the Winword 6.0 & Excel 5.0.
I'm also using the Borland Pascal to write some custom program for my reserch.

The 750p machine works very well without any major problem. However, I
encounter some conflict between pen driver & mouse driver in some program
like Winword. Apart from that, the machine is great and I think I'm addict
to pen now (it works fast & easier than mouse, also, I can draw something
very easy).

Ok, I think that should be enough for some background about me.

See you l8er,


Jitdhikorn Sundarasaradula (Jit/Jub) : Perth Australia
e-mail: jsundara@cougar.multiline.com.au