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Suggestions on Memory Manager

I have been put in charge of getting our new managers TP750c onto our
token ring LAN. Since he gets to call the shots he chose Windows as his
enviroment of choice instead of OS/2. Because of DOS's built in short 
comings the Thinkpad configuration breaks everytime he installs something

Ive configured his 750c with IBM's LSP and lan requestor, the standard
suite of socket and cardservice drivers for dos, the SVGA drivers  and 
the CD-ROM drivers. Hes also running pc3270 for windows, ACK!

Unfortunately the cd-rom breaks most everything. I dont have to much
experience with DOS, mainly OS/2 and Un*x, and would really appreciate
a hand in choosing a 3rd party memory manager or a finding a way to get 
himem.sys and emm386.sys to divy out memory better. 

All of the other 750's Ive setup under OS/2 have been snaps and have yet
to land back on my desk for modifications to the software configuration. 
However his has been like a boomer-rang. Im getting fustrated, hes piss-off.

Equipment list
	Dock I
	20Mgs RAM
	~300Mg HD
	16/4 PCMCIA IBM token ring adaptor.
	14.4 PCMCIA MegaHertz X/jack modem?

  If he says he wants Chicago I think Ill barf on his shoes since
  I can install OS/2 under site license for damn near free; AND it works!

Thanks for your help.

Joe Foss