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Re: Drive upgrade on Thinkpads

In message Wed, 3 Aug 1994 13:02:05 -0400 (EDT),
  Joshua Hosseinoff <hosseino@yu1.yu.edu>  writes:

> As for the 32bit disk access problem, I remember reading somewhere (maybe
> here on this list) that it would not work with drives larger than
> ~512MB.  Seems odd to me because I thought 32bit means you can address up
> to 4GB (at least thats the way it works with memory).

512 MB is an IDE specification limit.  The newer IDE drives get around it by
using Western Digital's enhanced IDE specification, which uses the BIOS.
32-bit disk access bypasses the BIOS so it won't work.  This is also why the
TP750 will need a flash BIOS upgrade before it can use the larger drives.
(The 360 and 755 already have the updated BIOS)

If you really really want 32-bit disk access, you should be able to
partition your disk as 512 MB (waste the remaining 28 MB).

When did Micro Machines get the 540 MB drives?  They didn't have any a month
John H. Kim        jokim@jarthur.cs.hmc.edu        This message sent by NUPop
Cartoon by Mike Luckovich:
Briefer: "Intelligence reports North Korea's new leader is erratic, overweight
          and has a big hairdo.  He wasn't in the military which may lessen
          his sway with the armed forces.  He's obsessed with women ..."
Clinton: "Lemme guess.  He also plays the saxophone ..."