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Re: stacked ramdisk

> > 	I haven't tried doing it--and I wouldn't, unless I had a veritable
> > *buttload* of memory.  If you use up all of it putting Windows on a RAM
> > disk its sort of self-defeating because Windows will immediately start
> > swapping to disk.
> Now, to get it on a flash card is a whole different story! :)

	And a very *expensive* one too!

	Also, Flash memory (I know this from having a 5MB Flash Card in
my HP 100 LX) is *very* slow to write to (faster than a floppy disk write,
but not by a whole lot), although its a pretty quick read.

	So, considering the write speed, Flash wouldn't be a real
good solution (unless you're on an HP Omnibook--there's not much other

Randy Whittle    whittle@chaph.usc.edu         |   My opinions are mine, but  |
USC School of Business (Fight on, 'SC Trojans!)| since I'm right, they should |
 (How's this for a snotty .sig?  Well, I guess |         be yours too.        |
  it's better than an ASCII of a nude woman!)