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Re: Making A Full DOS Boot Disk while using OS/2

> I'm running OS/2 2.1, and as most of you know already, some, if not all
> dos applications that use Sound (soundblaster and such) are very obnoxious
> when running from within OS/2 (even in a DOS full screen session).  The
> only solution I can think of, is to have a DOS boot disk with all the
> DOS drivers installed (mouse, audio, etc) for the TP750.  Here's the catch,
> how do I do this when i don't have a bootable DOS partition in the TP?
> i have access to other PC's, but i don't know if the install disks will
> install the audio features on another non TP computer so that i
> can then copy the drivers to my floppy... Any suggestions?

How about using dual-boot? This allows both DOS and OS/2 to coexist
on the same drive and switching is accomplished via the "boot" command.
All it really does is swap in the appropriate loader (a hidden file) and
config.sys into the root directory and reboot. I've used it for a couple
of years now and am quite pleased with it.
