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LINUX - poll results and GOOD NEWS...

Okay, the poll results indicate that the vast majority of people want linux 
discussion kept on.  Err..I suppose we'll try to keep whining to a 
minimum (:)).  But anyways...that's sorta moot, as I now have Linux 
running...well...sorta of (Thanks to Ed (tekeian@vgi.com for providing me 
with a newly recompiled kernel.).  The kernel referred to in the "Linux 
and the Thinkpad 750" html page that I forwarded to this mailing list 
does not appear to work correctly with Slackware distribution 2.0.0, the 
current slackware distribution found at tsx-11.mit.edu (or at least I 
couldn't get it to work (yeah, you saw all the b*tching and moaning...).
Thanks to Keith Moore for pointing out to me at 2 am in the morning (:)) 
that the costant rebooting of my machine was probably due to a 
faulty kernel.  Anyways...with the new kernel in hand, I successfully 
installed the base linux distribution (the A set for those of you w/ the 
linux disks).  However, I used loadlin (as Ed suggested) to boot the 
kernel image from my _PC-DOS_ partition.  Kinda nifty little program.  
>From there, I can specify the root to be my hard disk partition or the 
install disk for slackware.  The problem I'm now encountering is that the 
linux loader (LILO) which I have booted from my OS/2 Boot Manager menu 
(no problems here...it works well w/ os/2 (and 4 Mb RAM...hey!  stop 
laughing!  heh.) is booting up correctly, but the system hangs when it 
says "going into multiuser mode."  I think this is because I don't have 
the updated kernel installed on the linux partition.  The loadlin trick 
loads the correct kernel which i have sitting on my dos partition.  
However, when just plain booting (bypassing dos and using LILO from 
bootmanager directly) linux hangs.  So...anyone got any ideas on which 
file I overwrite on my root?


-- Derek

P.S.  Ed and I are planning on writing up some idiot-proof documention 
for installing Slackware 2.0.0 (feh!  i needed idiot-proof 
documentation!).  Hmmm...I don't know how long the current version of 
slackware will be at tsx-11.mit.edu.  Furthermore, I don't know whether 
or not the recompiled WORKING kernel will work with subsequent 
distributions of slackware.  So...in my humble opinion...if you're 
thinking at all about installing slackware, at least download the 
install-HOWTO and the "A" set of diskettes and the "COLOR144.GZ" root 
disk image from tsx-11.mit.edu (gee...I feel really sorry for that FTP 
site <GRIN>) as soon as possible, before they "update" the linux stuff 
(otherwise we MAY have to go through all this fun stuff again <sigh...NOT!>)



Derek V. Chan                               Department of Immunology and Surgery
"The right to speak does not automatically  Harvard Med. School/Mass Gen. Hosp.
 include the right to be taken seriously."  chan4@husc.harvard.edu till 08/18/94