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RE: err...sorry..addendum #2 to linux poll...(stupid me)

In message Thu, 21 Jul 1994 10:47:50 -0400 (EDT),
  <chan4@husc.harvard.edu>  writes:

> Hi all!  Sorry about this, but I was stupid enough not to indicate whether
> "LINUX: YES" meant "yes, keep it on the list" or "no, move it to a
> separate list."  (Stupid, stupid, stupid...heh heh)  So..I know that this

Is it just me or does the whole idea of voting on this seem rather silly?
I mean if you take Linux discussion off the list, logically you can then
take OS/2-specific discussion, off, then maybe Windows.  Then you figure not
everyone has an ethernet card so take that off.  Then not everyone has a
modem so get rid of that.  Not everyone is interested in a hard drive or
memory upgrade so nix those. etc. etc.

If we make sure we cut down on quoted text, make only relevant posts (don't
everyone write an essay describing every step you've taken trying to get
Linux running), use descriptive subject headings, and move the discussion
to email when it starts getting away from general interest, this shouldn't
be a problem.

Obviously I vote YES to keep it on the list.
John H. Kim        jokim@jarthur.cs.hmc.edu        This message sent by NUPop
Cartoon by Mike Luckovich:
Briefer: "Intelligence reports North Korea's new leader is erratic, overweight
          and has a big hairdo.  He wasn't in the military which may lessen
          his sway with the armed forces.  He's obsessed with women ..."
Clinton: "Lemme guess.  He also plays the saxophone ..."