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Re: TP360 battery.

In message Thu, 7 Jul 1994 10:51:55 -0700 (PDT),
  Randal Whittle <whittle@chaph.usc.edu>  writes:

>> (d) is IBM's figure of 7-10hours for a mono unit a little white
>>       lie or an enormous white lie?
> 	An ENORMOUS lie.  The 750Cs (which I had before sending it back
> for a 750C) was supposed to get 3.5 to 8 hours on a single charge (the
> 750C was supposed to get 3.4 to 8 hours). ...
> 	I'm unsure, but I think those on the list with Mono models of
> the 750 have gotten about 4 hours out of theirs.  Which is still
> disappointing, considering the IBM claim for their machine was like
> yours--7 to 12 hours (might have even been 8 to 12 hours!).

IBM's claim for the mono 750 was 5.5 - 12 hours.  When I first got mine,
after I'd used the battery for about a week I was getting about 4 hours and
55 minutes of heavy use out of the computer.  If I dropped the processor
speed, left it sitting (not suspended) and let the hard drive spin down now
and then, etc., I got 6-7 hours easily.  After I got a 8MB RAM card (for a
total of 12MB) the battery time dropped down to about 3 hours 35 minutes
under heavy use.

With the 8MB RAM card, CPU speed set to high, and a large ramdisk, I was
able to get about 7 hours of game time playing Doom on a full charge.  If
you account for the RAM card, this works out to over 9 hours doing the same
thing with only 4MB.  Drop the CPU speed to low and turn the screen off a
few times and 12 hours seems like a reasonable upper end.

If IBM's times for the 750 mono is any guide, their estimate is a little
lie, high by about 10%.  I do know *many* people are disappointed with the
battery life on the color units.
John H. Kim              | "Just try telling the IRS you don't feel like
jokim@jarthur.cs.hmc.edu | 'contributing' this year come April" - Bob Dole
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