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Serial port & Modems (External)

	Is there anyone on this list who uses the external serial port
and connects a v.32bis modem to it?  I realize lots of you have PCMCIA
modems, but I'm curious as to any who just have a plain 'ol external.

	I recently got a new USR Courier "V.Everything" (28.8K) modem
for my desktop (where most all of my modeming is done) and since I have
a "spare" modem in the form of a Supra V.32bis FaxModem, I decided to try
running it from my ThinkPad.

	I runs fine when I lock it down at about 9600 baud, but at 14.4K
Baud, I have some problems.  Namely, it seems to scramble an occasional
character when I'm in this EMACS editor, but more seriously, prevents
any meaningful file transfer at 14.4K baud (though 9600 works okay).  It
produces a number of CRC errors.

	I am using hardware flow control locked at 19200 in both Windows
and in Procomm Plus for Win (which is the same as I use on my desktop--except
that on the desktop I lock them at 57600).  I presume that the ThinkPad's
external serial port does *noot* have a 16550 UART which might be the
problem.  Is there any way around this?  Would I have to get software
serial port drivers (like turbocomm) or a PCMCIA modem to communicate at
14.4K baud or higher?

	Suggestions please?

Randy Whittle    whittle@chaph.usc.edu
University of Southern California School of Business (Fight on, 'SC Trojans!)
 - Motorcycle nut, HP 48GX & 100LX user, & lover of fine chocolate...
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