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Re: Kudos to IBM Service

I also had a wonderful experience when the 340 Meg HD of my
750 mono started making "weird noises".  I called IBM and had
a new HD the next day....BUT

But, the fact that UPS picks up the old part within a few days
wasn't explicit, and they didn't tell me where to send the old
drive.  I sent it back to the IBM location that sent me the new
one- BIG mistake.  A rather "difficult" representative called
me and _first_ accused me of not returning the drive.  Not knowing
what was wrong, I asked her to verify.  She did indeed have
evidence that I had returned the drive, but then claimed that
she would have to charge me for it anyway.  I indicated that I
thought this was stupid, of course (only much more politely :).
Then she claimed she would have to charge me because she didn't
have record of my proof of purchase. Geez.  It was in the box
with the drive.  I finally faxed a copy, and she didn't have
the courtesy to do a followup call indicating that everything
was in order.  Moral?  IBM service is great, but whoever is in
charge of "potentially" delinquent accounts needs the same

Thanks, I'm done venting now  ;^)
