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OS/2 Performance and TP75x

For those who don't know what OS/2 Performance is or those who
are wondering how it works, I have just installed it today.  I
have one thing to sum it up:  it's AWESOME! I cannot say enough
about it to make anyone believe it.  It's easily 50%, if not
100%, faster in all system events.  Load-up time is cut in half
at least!

I don't want to sound crazy; I'm just one happy camper.  Oh
yeah, OS/2 Performance is the latest beta version for the
upcoming OS/2 for Windows.  It's available for public testing
so anyone can call up and get a copy.

Everything seems to work fine so far and I even seem to have
none of the problems THUS FAR mentioned on the net.  I will
report problems (and fixes) as they come to my attention.