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INCREDIBLE Megahertz ! !

Subject: INCREDIBLE Megahertz ! !

It's very easy to make a negative comment, but when a *positive* comment
is due.....then it should be yelled from the rooftop! :)

As most of you know I have a Megahertz XJ2144 modem. Last Saturday I
developed minor interruptions while downloading/uploading. After playing
around I discovered it was due to the X-Jack, any movement to the X-Jack
while on-line cause a break in the communication.

I called ComputAbility (purchased modem there) and got a receptionist
who said they were closed. She asked me to leave a voice message, and
that someone would contact me Monday morning. She said that it was
doubtful that I could exchange the modem since it was a few days over
30 since the purchase was made.

At this point I was a bit *pissed*, I looked through the Megahertz
manual and found their 800 #. Called.....to my surprise there was
someone there ready to help. To make an already long story short, the
gentleman there asked me a few questions, then said that I would be
receiving a *new* modem sometime Monday and to just send the
malfunctioning one back after receiving the new one. I received it
Monday as promised, with a postage paid envelope to return the old one!

Service like this is VERY rare......I want to publicly APPLAUD Megahertz!

Joseph Pereira

ps: This will be my last message for a period of about 5 months.
Immigration just hired me for a position as Border Patrol Agent, I'm off
to San Diego June 6, then to Glynco, Georgia for training.