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Re: External mouse feature on TP750s

On Fri, 20 May 1994, Antti Kilpinen wrote:

> Hi!
> I have tested several mouses (yes, the TrackPoint is great) on both the 
> TP750 and TP350 series. It appears that there is something in the 750s 
> design that makes some mouse designs incompatible. The problem appears when 
> the mouse button is pressed. TP750 respondes to the press only randomly. A 
> double click is really hard to produce. The following mouses has been tested
> Mouse                   TP750 (several units)   TP350(several units)
> Logitech Pilot          works                   works
> Logitech MouseMan       don't work              works
> IBM M96F9275            don't work              works   (logitech design i   
>                                                       think)        
> The apparent difference between the twon logitech mouses is that Pilot is 
> rated as 5V 25mA whereas mouseman is 12V 10mA. Can this be the reason or is 
> this yet
> another design flaw in the 750. 
> Should we generate a TP750 hardware bug list. 
> Antti Kilpinen, Ph.D (Chem.Eng.)
> Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research
> Abo Akademi University
> DataCity
> FIN-20520 Turku
I have found the same problem. Better results are achieved if
the PS/2 port is used. I have been unable to get any mouse to operate
through the serial port. I have tried various settings and experimentation
with the mousedrv.ini file with 3 different Logitech rodents with so-so

Yes, I think a bug list might be in order, perhaps as a part of the FAQ.

Tim Kary