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RE: Charging problems

In message Wed, 18 May 1994 09:12:05 +0100 (CET),
  Thor Oivind Jensen <Thor.O.Jensen@aorg.uib.no>  writes:

> I finally gave in and bought the too exepensive TP 750C. 90% is
> functioning perfect, but one problem has occured:
> *Most of the time (but not always) charging is not possible while using
> the machine. It tells "charging" but will stand still on the same % no
> matter how long you try or how hard you run the machine. The battery
> light will also shift to oranga, no matter how much juice you have left.
> The first few times and once in a while everything is OK.
> Any ideas ??
> Thor !ivind Jensen
> Institutt for administrasjon og organisasjonsvitenskap
> Christiesgt 17 N-5007 BERGEN, Norway
> ++47 5 212153


It sounds like you may have a hardware problem. Call for service or see your
Adam Wilkinson

adam@tiamat.umd.umich.edu | "The first time it's research. the second
usfmcltc@ibmmail.com      |  time is just engineering!" - Cliff Stoll
Compuserve: 75470,71      |   (author of "The Cuckoo's Egg"