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Re: Review of Trantor 358 Parallet to SCSI adapter1

John Kim writes:
> In message Sat, 7 May 94 13:45 EST, timn@ion.apana.org.au (Tim Noonan)   writes:
> > This is a very rough review of the Trantor 358 Parallel to SCSI adapter
> > used on the ThinkPad 750 (mono) machine.
> Thanks for the review.  I'm thinking of getting one now (vs. buying a 500MB
> 2.5" Tosiba hard drive for $650 and hoping it works).
> > I haven't tried it under OS/2 but there is an OS/2 and winnt directory
> > on the drivers disk.
> Does this mean you will try it under OS/2?  Inquiring minds want to know...

Well, it is possible, but I don't have OS/2 installed currently.  It is not a 
high priority at the moment I'm sorry.
If I do get OS/2 installed soon (for some other compatibility testing I 
want to do) I will try the Trantor also.
> > The cable has a 25 pin Centronics plug for the PC and a 50 Pin large
> > Centronics style connector for the SCSI device.  A 25 pin female socket
> > also extends from the SCSI end of the cable to add your printer or other
> > parallel device.
> The cable does the parallel/SCSI conversion?  Or is there some sort of
> device in the middle or at one end?
Unlike the earlier Trantor 338 cable, the 358 is a single cable.  One end has
the 25 pin parallel plug on it, the other ends with the 50-pin SCSI plug.
the 25-pin socket for a printer iextends back from the SCSI plug, but is fixed
to the SCSI plug.  That is to say it isn't aattached by an extra bit of cable.
I imagine, but don't know, that the actual circuitry is in the SCSI end of 
the cable.

> > The cable isn't overly long, probably about 2 thirds of a meter (two
> > feet) which isn't really long enough.
> SCSI cables aren't supposed to be much longer than this.  Besides, 25-wire
> cables can get expensive.  :)

Yes, I agree, but an extra foot would still be in spec and would be useful 
in some configurations.
> Any problems after going into and out of suspend/hibernate?

Ah, good question, it doesn't ring a bell - but will do some testing of this 
shortly and let you know.
> Does the cable block access to the adjacent video and serial ports?

Serial and Video ports are both easily accessed.  I've had both connected 
when the Trantor was connected with no hassles.
> Do you have a SCSI hard drive so you can run some real throughput tests?

Not one that is easily accessible.  I'll see what I can come up with here, but
don't hold your breath.  If it wasn't that I was in Australia I'd offer to
let you test it out for yourself :-)

> --
> John H. Kim              | "Just try telling the IRS you don't feel like
> jokim@jarthur.cs.hmc.edu | 'contributing' this year come April" - Bob Dole
> This mail sent by NUPop  | on Bill Clinton's avoidance of the word "taxes"

Tim Noonan                          PGP Public key available:
timn@ion.apana.org.au     finger timn@ion.apana.org.au@yarrina.connect.com.au