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Re: 3Com Ethernet PCMCIA card

>On Wed, 20 Apr 1994, Andrew Stevens wrote:
>> Hi, I finally received my 3Com Ethernet card from the promotion (only
>> $129!!).  I was wondering if anybody else has it and is using it with
>> PC-NFS.  I can't quite figure out what drivers, etc. that I need.
>> When I bring up EZPlaying, it says that the card is "not configured".
>> --andy
>I have the same problem with my ibm credit card adapter.
>If  you find out how to fix it, can you please let me know.
>Regards nick

I have not yet played with these ethernet boards (I am expecting
my 3com in the mail any day now), but I think I know what
you guys want to do:

edit your \thinkpad\autodrv.ini file.  In the ethernet section
(just look for the line CardID=ETHER), there is a line
right after the CardID=ETHER that reads:

This essentially tells ezplay to ignore ethernet cards.  Change that
line to:

Placing the semi-colon in the first column turns that line into
a comment.  Then, reboot your machine.  Now ezplay will try
to setup ethernet cards for you.

Please, please send a note to this email list telling folks
if the 3Com board works with ezplay or not.  I'm worried because
it is not listed in the pcmcia.crd file, but I do not know
if it is not there because it does not work with ezplay or because
it is to new.

FYI: I am currently using a Kingston twisted-pair pcmcia board.  the
     kingston board does _not_ work properly with ezplay.  

Todd Tannenbaum