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RE: Hello

In message Thu, 7 Apr 1994 19:26:38 -0700 (PDT),
  Stephen Hosmer <shosmer@netcom.com>  writes:

> I have a TP750C w/340Mb HD and 12Mb RAM.  I am running OS/2 w/ MMPM (the
> sound is great).
> I have not yet bought 4Mb diskettes to try out the Floppy.  Has anyone
> found a good (inexpensive) source for these diskettes.

I wouldn't bother unless you have files that are larger that 1.4MB. The cost
per megabyte is significantly higher for the 4MB diskettes than normal HD
diskettes, so you pay a small fortune for convenience!
Adam Wilkinson

adam@tiamat.umd.umich.edu | "The first time it's research. the second
usfmcltc@ibmmail.com      |  time is just engineering!" - Cliff Stoll
Compuserve: 75470,71      |   (author of "The Cuckoo's Egg"