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HELP! Funny rattling sounds in my TP!

	I am more than just a little bit worried.  As of about two days
ago, some funny little rattling sound has begun to occur in my TP750C.  It
does it only when you physically move it around or shake it, so its not 
anything bad with the hard drive or anything.

	But when I pick it up and move it, there is a small rattling sound--
like a broken piece of plastic or little metal item--somewhere in the right,
rear corner that I cannot identify.  I'm considering opening it up, but I
don't want to risk messing up the warranty.

	Everything appears to function properly, but I don't like the sound of
it--something's loose, there is no doubt about that.

	On a related note--does anyone know how to tighten the screen hinges?
The right hand screen hinge seems to be a touch loose (maybe its connected
to the noise?).  It was loose for a couple of weeks, but I never go around
to mentioning it for the list.

	Ideas, please?

Randy Whittle    whittle@scf.usc.edu
University of Southern California School of Business (Fight on, Trojans!)
 - Motorcycle nut, HP 48 & 100LX user, and...*Proud* to be Conservative!
 "It's not denial, I'm just very selective about the reality I accept." -Calvin
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