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Re: 750 SYS 1.04 BIOS, 1.21 Utilities,Megahertz XJ2144,Suspend,Resume,Hibernate


Thanks for the notice.  Sure enought suspend and hibernation work fine 
with the new utilities.  I do have a problem with loading EMM386.EXE in
CONFIG.SYS.  What parameters do you have set using the 'current' utilities.



>DATE:   Sat, 26 Mar 94 23:03:19 CST
>FROM:   byrne@austin.wireline.slb.com
>Summary of this long post:
>	- there's a new utility disk, version 1.21, on the IBM BBS
>	  that's just a few days old.
>	- tells how to get the XJ2144 (& presumably other PCMCIA
>	  modems) to work across suspend/resume and hibernate
>	  transitions (for MS-DOS 6.2/Windows 3.1 at least).
>After working a bit with my XJ2144, I found a minor problem with
>resuming from suspend.  For some reason, whenever the XJ2144 drivers
>were installed & I resumed from suspend, my screen would not light up
>for entering my ROM password.  It would come on after I entered my
>password and the DOS or Windows screen reappeared.  Really weird. Not
>a big deal, but it annoyed me, so I called Megahertz.  They were very
>helpful and sent a FAX pointing me to the IBM BBS and the new
>Utilities disk.  I cross referenced their FAX to my archives of this
>mailing list, and found nearly the exact same message here (I should
>have looked at my archives first!).
>So I called the IBM BBS, and downloaded both Version 1.04 of the BIOS
>and Version >>>>> 1.21 <<<<< of the Utilities disk (yes, there's a new
>version of the Utilities disk as of just a few days ago.  This version
>apparently replaces 1.2x. I didn't notice anything in 1.21 that 1.2x
>didn't already have. I wonder if 1.2x was a test/experimental release,
>therefore, the x?)
>I loaded everything up, tried out EzPlay, and removed all references
>to Mezahertz from my CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT, and SYSTEM.INI -- they
>aren't needed any more with Ezplay.  I made sure my modem was still
>working, then tried the suspend/resume test.  Boom!  My back light is
>still not coming on.  After doing a few more test, I found other
>problems, such as the PCMCIA not powering up after coming out of
>hibernate and system hangs when resuming from a suspend while in
>Procomm for Windows (these might have also been there before - I
>really didn't get into this level of testing when I hit the back light
>problem and got the FAX).
>But I found the trick!  I went back into my CONFIG.SYS and deleted all
>the lines having anything to do with PCMCIA, rebooted, then loaded the
>1.21 Utilities again.  It added all the PCMCIA lines back to my
>CONFIG.SYS, and you guessed it, now everything works correctly!  
>I can suspend/resume and my screen lights up for the password entry.
>The PCMCIA power is turned off on suspend, and turns back on on
>resume (there is a short pause that didn't used to be there before
>while I guess it reinitializes the cards).
>I can use the modem after a suspend/resume!
>I can even use the modem after a power up from hibernate!
>It's great!
>All I can surmise is that the Utilities install program, PCMINSTW,
>must not have moved all the new files across because it saw the
>devices already loaded.  When I removed the devices, it must have done
>the install as a virgin install (any other theories?).  
>Summary of what I did (for my 750C running MS DOS 6.2 & Windows 3.1):
>1) Loaded Version 1.04 of the BIOS (SY750104.EXE from the IBM BBS or
>   SYS750 on CompuServe).
>2) Removed all CONFIG.SYS PCMCIA device entries
>3) Removed all MEGAHERTZ entries from CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT, &
>   SYSTEM.INI (these were left over from running the Megahertz
>   install program when I first got the modem.  EzPlay seems to
>   eliminate the need for any Megahertz software on the system --
>   have card, will travel).
>4) Rebooted, then ran PCMINSTW from the Utilities Disk Version 1.21
>   (UT750121.EXE from the IBM BBS; not yet on CompuServe).
>Next step -- getting my IBM PCMCIA Ethernet to work. It should be a
>lot easier now with EzPlay. I need to use it with both Windows for
>Workgroups 3.11 and with TCP/IP.  I'll be loading all this up
>week-after-next when I return from Microsoft Tech Ed.  Any war stories
>and mine pit warnings would be appreciated before I start.  Anyone
>know what new twist the Ezplay puts on the Ethernet PCMCIA?  Should I,
>or should I not, install what's on the IBM floppy for the card?
>Ezplay does see the card, but for the moment shows it as not ready.
>Onward through the fog.