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New User Introduction - Q about MHz Modem.

Hello group, this is my first posting here.  I'd like to introduce myself and
ask for support on a Megahertz modem problem I'm having.  My name is Al Rovner,
I'm an engineer with Tektronix and I own a Thinkpad 720.  Hopefully it's ok
to ask questions about non-750 machines.  My 720 runs OS/2 2.1 (no service
pack), 8MB RAM and a Megahertz xjack 14400 PCMCIA modem.

The Megahertz modem runs just fine from initial bootup until the 720 goes into
suspend mode.  When awakening from suspend mode, I get various error messages
about the com2: port.  Messages like "The Drive is not Ready" or "This port
is in use by another application", etc.  My modem software refuses to run at
this point.  I don't believe this effect to be OS/2 peculiar.  It happened
under DOS before I installed OS/2.

In chatting with a friend at the local IBM office in Portland, he acknowledged
there was a problem with Thinkpad 720's and Megahertz xjack modems.  I have
been able to duplicate this problem by booting from a DOS floppy.  The 720
will absolutely refuse to go into suspend mode at all while the modem is
installed.  Remove the modem (with the power still on) and no problem.  You
can suspend all you like.  My friend said that Megahertz technical support is
aware of this.  Speaking of which, I have also chatted with Bob Sweet (sp?)
from Megahertz who has been friendly and helpful, but alas we still haven't
been able to fix my problem.  I wonder if these two problems are related

So there you have it.  If any of you can help out please let me know and I'll
gladly give any suggestions a try.  I like the Megahertz modem, especially
the pop out phone jack, it's much sturdier than I thought it would be.  I just
wish I could get this driver situation running to my satisfaction.

Al Rovner