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Re: high res on external monitor

> I have a TP750Cs with an external monitor.  It's an IBM monitor, with the 
> letters 15P on the front.  I'd like to run it in high res mode (1024x768), 
> but I can't seem to get it to work.  The manual is confusing on this point.  
> Can someone help me do this?
I have an external monitor running without any problems in 1024x768 mode.
Here is the procedure for DOS/WIN. What you need to do initially:
- check that c:\ibmvesa\vesa.exe is loaded in config.sys
- cd c:\ibmvesa 
- set the monitor type with "vinstall" (or edit the frate.dat by hand)
- cd c:\windows
- call "setup" and set the monitor type to "TP750 1024x768"
- reboot 

After this your TP is ready. Of course high resulution is only supported
in MS-Windows and the internal LCD has to be switched off before you start

P.S. Be careful! Editing "frate.dat" by hand lets you set the refresh rate 
to 70 or 72 Hz even in high resolution mode. This is not supported by IBM.
(Once I tried it and noticed some dithering on the sreen when moving the
Klaus Eckhoff, Dr. Materna GmbH, D-44141 Dortmund, Germany, ke@Materna.DE