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Subject: UFC/Gracie...SORRY

> ...are you planning to beat the hell out of my ThinkPad or something?
>Please don't--it cost me a lot of money... ;)

> (I guess you accidently sent this to the mailing list...)
I would like to apologize to everyone for my previous message regarding
Martial Arts. I was involved in a HEATED discussion over in the Martial
Arts Conference, in the heat of the moment I hit the wrong button! <g>

Since I'm here I just to to publicly thank RANDY WHITTLE for steering me
in the right direction. Thanks to Randy, after only one week of
waiting, I WILL be receiving my 750c within the next three days. Placed
my order beginning of last week, and today received a call and was told
it was being sent tomorrow.....Second Day Air!  THANK YOU Randy!

Joseph Pereira