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Re: TPII and Keys and Keyboards

--->> Speaking of which, anyone else have the writing come off their keys yet?
--->> I've had my TP for about 3 months, and the "paint" is almost totally gone
--->> off the [right shift] key. , and is fading on the arrows and all the other
--->> keys with that yellor "paint".
--->Yeah, my 'N' key is fading, as well as the ones you pointed out.  I
--->think it's no big deal since I'm a touch typist but for asthetics,
--->you can always paint them back on...

Stanley Wasserman                                 Professor of Psychology, 
University of Illinois                               Statistics, and Sociology
                                                  Professor, Beckman Institute
stanwass@uiuc.edu                              *  
sswibm@uiucvmd.bitnet                          *    
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