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tp750 and LINUX

Newsgroups: comp.sys.laptops
Subject: Re: W: recommendations for Linux capable laptop
From: moore@cs.utk.edu (Keith Moore)
Date: 10 Feb 1994 21:07:55 GMT
Reply-To: moore@cs.utk.edu
Organization: Univ. of Tenn. Computer Science, Knoxville
Lines: 22
In article <TDT.94Feb9174845@domino.hq.verdix.com>, tdt@domino.hq.verdix.com
(Tim Thorpe) writes:
> I am in the market for a laptop machine that is capable of running
> Linux (a free un*x). Also, I want to be able to bring the machine up
> with DOS/Windows when the need arises in order to do some
> spreadsheeting or whatever.
> Generally, though I want to have some level of un*x development
> ability while "on the road" since I`m doing quite a bit of travel. The
> applications would themselves be small though I would potentially want
> to link in X11 libraries.
Whatever you do, DON'T get a ThinkPad.  I've been beating my head
against the wall for several months trying to get Linux running
acceptably.  I have it running (barely), but it's still not up to snuff.
IBM's technical documentation is useless, and their support people
are friendly (and occasionally paranoid) but not very helpful.
Keith Moore / U.Tenn CS Dept / 107 Ayres Hall / Knoxville TN  37996-1301
Internet: moore@cs.utk.edu      BITNET: moore@utkvx
The Secretary will disavow any knowledge of my actions.
What does 'not up to snuff'mean?