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Re: Battery Life on NiMH as they sitRe: Battery Life on NiMH as they sit

> Just how accurate are these figures, my impression, not carefully verified,
> is that a battery left outside the machine gives a pessimisic reading when
> first loaded back in, and in paticular, it seems that even if such a battery 
> indicates say 70%, it takes only a very short time for it to be reading 95%
> again if the machine is plugged in.
I leave the monitor up all the time while under OS/2.  It seems to use past
discharges and current usage to determine the time remaining (if I go off
a ramdisk for a while, the time remaining meter will increase accordingly,
and rather accurately from my experience).  The percentage remaining figure
seems very accurate in my 750, with two exceptions.  When I first got
the computer, it reported I had 25% battery remaining just minutes before
it died, which I chalked up to the battery not having been cycled (An
interesting side note is that my initial battery life was around 4 hours,
and 25% remaining would've projected out to 5+ hours).  This problem
disappeared after I cycled the battery a few times.  The second time
was when I got my 8MB upgrade.  It took a couple of cycles before it
corrected the time remaining figure, but for a couple dozen cycles the
computer reported about 5% battery left when it went into failsafe
suspend (the time remaining did correctly read 0:00 for a few minutes
to up to a half hour before this point).  I got tired of the inconsistency
so I drained the battery overnight (left computer in suspend mode until
all the lights went out), turned the battery off and let it sit overnight
again, then turned it on and charged it again.  It's been very accurate
ever since.
All in all, I've been very pleased with the battery and monitor considering
some of the horror stories I've heard from people with other laptops.  Now
I find out maybe I just got lucky?