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Alphabetic index of definitions of concepts, keywords, and procedures

The principal entry for each term, procedure, or keyword is listed first, separated from the other entries by a semicolon.


Jump to: ' - , - ; - = - ` - a - b - c - d - e - f - h - i - k - l - m - n - o - p - r - s - t - u - v - w


  • '
  • ,

  • ,
  • ;

  • ;
  • =

  • =>
  • `

  • `
  • a

  • at-sign
  • b

  • backquote
  • binding
  • binding construct
  • bound
  • c

  • call
  • call by need
  • combination
  • comma
  • comment, comment
  • constant, constant, constant
  • continuation
  • d

  • define
  • definition
  • do
  • dotted pair
  • e

  • else
  • empty list, empty list, empty list, empty list, empty list
  • equivalence predicate
  • error
  • escape procedure
  • essential
  • exact
  • exactness
  • f

  • false, false, false
  • h

  • hygienic
  • i

  • identifier, identifier, identifier, identifier
  • immutable
  • implementation restriction, implementation restriction
  • improper list
  • inexact
  • initial environment
  • internal definition
  • k

  • keyword, keyword, keyword, keyword, keyword
  • l

  • lambda expression
  • lazy evaluation
  • location
  • m

  • macro
  • macro keyword
  • macro transformer
  • macro use
  • mutable
  • n

  • number
  • numerical types
  • o

  • object
  • p

  • pair
  • port
  • predicate
  • procedure call
  • promise, promise
  • r

  • referentially transparent
  • region, region, region, region, region, region, region
  • s

  • simplest rational
  • syntactic keyword, syntactic keyword, syntactic keyword, syntactic keyword
  • t

  • token
  • top level environment, top level environment
  • true, true, true, true
  • type
  • u

  • unbound, unbound, unbound
  • unspecified
  • v

  • valid indexes, valid indexes
  • variable, variable, variable, variable
  • w

  • Whitespace
  • Procedures

    Jump to: - ' - ( - * - + - - - / - < - = - > - ` - a - b - c - d - e - f - g - i - l - m - n - o - p - q - r - s - t - u - v - w - z

  • ...
  • '

  • '<datum>
  • (

  • (<operator>
  • (do
  • (make-vector, (make-vector
  • (vector-ref
  • *

  • *
  • +

  • +
  • -

  • -, -, -
  • /

  • /, /, /
  • <

  • <
  • <=
  • <constant>
  • <variable>
  • =

  • =
  • >

  • >
  • >=
  • `

  • `<template>
  • a

  • abs
  • acos
  • and
  • angle
  • append
  • apply, apply
  • asin
  • assoc
  • assq
  • assv
  • atan, atan
  • b

  • begin
  • boolean?
  • bound-identifier=?
  • c

  • caar
  • cadr
  • call-with-current-continuation
  • call-with-input-file
  • call-with-output-file
  • car
  • case
  • cdddar
  • cddddr
  • cdr
  • ceiling
  • char->integer
  • char-alphabetic?
  • char-ci<=?
  • char-ci<?
  • char-ci=?
  • char-ci>=?
  • char-ci>?
  • char-downcase
  • char-lower-case?
  • char-numeric?
  • char-ready?, char-ready?
  • char-upcase
  • char-upper-case?
  • char-whitespace?
  • char<=?
  • char<?
  • char=?
  • char>=?
  • char>?
  • char?
  • close-input-port
  • close-output-port
  • complex?
  • cond
  • cons
  • construct-identifier
  • cos
  • current-input-port
  • current-output-port
  • d

  • define-syntax
  • delay
  • denominator
  • display, display
  • e

  • eof-object?
  • eq?
  • equal?
  • eqv?
  • even?
  • exact->inexact
  • exact?
  • exp
  • expt
  • f

  • floor
  • for-each
  • force
  • free-identifier=?
  • g

  • gcd
  • generate-identifier, generate-identifier
  • i

  • identifier->symbol
  • identifier?
  • if, if
  • imag-part
  • inexact->exact
  • inexact?
  • input-port?
  • integer->char
  • integer?
  • l

  • lambda
  • lcm
  • length
  • let, let
  • let*
  • let-syntax
  • letrec
  • letrec-syntax
  • list
  • list->string
  • list->vector
  • list-ref
  • list-tail
  • list?
  • load
  • log
  • m

  • magnitude
  • make-polar
  • make-rectangular
  • make-string, make-string
  • make-vector, make-vector
  • map
  • max
  • member
  • memq
  • memv
  • min
  • modulo
  • n

  • negative?
  • newline, newline
  • not
  • null?
  • number->string, number->string
  • number?
  • numerator
  • o

  • odd?
  • open-input-file
  • open-output-file
  • or
  • output-port?
  • p

  • pair?
  • peek-char, peek-char
  • positive?
  • procedure?
  • q

  • quasiquote
  • quote
  • quotient
  • r

  • rational?
  • rationalize
  • read, read
  • read-char, read-char
  • real-part
  • real?
  • remainder
  • reverse
  • round
  • s

  • set!
  • set-car!
  • set-cdr!
  • sin
  • sqrt
  • string
  • string->list
  • string->number, string->number
  • string->symbol
  • string-append
  • string-ci<=?
  • string-ci<?
  • string-ci=?
  • string-ci>=?
  • string-ci>?
  • string-copy
  • string-fill!
  • string-length
  • string-ref
  • string-set!
  • string<=?
  • string<?
  • string=?
  • string>=?
  • string>?
  • string?
  • substring
  • symbol->string
  • symbol?
  • syntax
  • syntax-rules
  • t

  • tan
  • template, template
  • transcript-off
  • transcript-on
  • truncate
  • u

  • unwrap-syntax
  • v

  • vector
  • vector->list
  • vector-fill!
  • vector-length
  • vector-ref
  • vector-set!
  • vector?
  • w

  • with-input-from-file
  • with-output-to-file
  • write, write
  • write-char, write-char
  • z

  • zero?

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