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Efficiency of unlimited precision integer arithmetic
Bill Rozas wrote of unlimited precision exact integer arithmetic:
> Why not make it the default? I can only imagine efficiency being the
> issue, and there are ways to overcome that. In addition, having to
> detect overflow causes the same level of inefficiency.
The last sentence quoted, which appears to have been just a
throwaway remark, isn't true. Although an implementation of
Standard ML does have to detect overflow, it doesn't have to
detect non-fixnum operands. On most machines (the SPARC is an
exception) this makes Scheme's unlimited precision exact integer
arithmetic less efficient than Standard ML's exact integer
arithmetic with overflow detection.
Like Bill, I can't imagine any argument against unlimited
precision integer arithmetic other than efficiency. On the
other hand, efficiency can be a convincing argument if you're
one of those people for whom a programming language provides
a way to run programs as well as a formal medium for expressing
computational ideas.
Matthias Blume would probably want equal time:
> [....] The parameterized
> module approach seems like a real win to me here. There is only one
> thing you loose -- the illusion that all numbers are ideal complex
> numbers by default.
Parameterized modules also lose the efficiency of built-in support
for unlimited precision integer arithmetic. You must represent
integers that _might_ lie outside the interval [-2^29, 2^29-1] or
[-2^31, 2^31-1] or whatever by a relatively complicated data
structure, which will probably have to be allocated on the heap.
Adding such integers is likely to require a full-blown
non-tail-recursive call. In Scheme, these two overheads are
incurred only when an operand or result actually does lie outside
the fixnum range.
So Standard ML's limited precision arithmetic is more efficient
if your programs never use integers outside the fixnum range, or
if there are only a few infrequently executed places where an
operand or result might be outside the fixnum range.
Scheme's unlimited precision arithmetic is more efficient if your
programs sometimes use integers outside the fixnum range, and some
considerable fraction of the arithmetic operations in your programs
may have to deal with an operand or result that is outside the
fixnum range.
My guess is that Standard ML's arithmetic is more efficient for
most programs, but that Scheme's arithmetic is more efficient
for a significant minority of programs. This is highly
machine-dependent, however.
On a SPARC, for example, there should be absolutely no difference
between the efficiency of arithmetic on small exact integers in
Standard ML and in Scheme.. The use of parameterized modules to
implement unlimited precision arithmetic in Standard ML would be
considerably less efficient than the built-in unlimited precision
arithmetic of Scheme.
1. When it comes to efficiency on the SPARC, Scheme's model of
exact integer arithmetic dominates that of Standard ML.
2. There probably aren't any popular target architectures for
which Standard ML's model of exact integer arithmetic
dominates that of Scheme.
3. There are definitely many programs for which Standard ML's
model is more efficient than Scheme's when executed on
most popular target architectures.
4. There are definitely some programs for which Scheme's model
is more efficient than Standard ML's when executed on most
popular target architectures.