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Re: straw proposal: heuristic info from procedures
| Date: Mon, 6 May 1996 15:03:22 -0500 (CDT)
| From: Shriram Krishnamurthi <shriram@cs.rice.edu>
| References: <318E0D40.1375@ccs.neu.edu>
| Reply-To: shriram@cs.rice.edu
| In MzScheme, the arity procedure (whose documentation is available at
| http://www.cs.rice.edu/CS/PLT/packages/doc/mzscheme/node43.html#SECTION003200000000000000000
| or http://www.cs.rice.edu/CS/PLT/packages/doc/mzscheme/mzscheme.html
| followed by the "Arity" entry) returns
| 1. a number,
| 2. the structure arity-at-least, whose field value gives the actual
| minimum number, or
| 3. a list of elements of type 1. and 2. (representing case-lambda).
That sounds reasonable.
| > (procedure-source-file _proc_)
| >
| > Returns the name of the file that contains the source code for
| > _proc_, as a string, or returns #F if this information is not
| > available.
| >
| > (procedure-source-position _proc_)
| >
| > Returns an exact integer that specifies the number of characters
| > that precede the opening parenthesis of the source code for _proc_
| > within the source file returned by PROCEDURE-SOURCE-FILE, or
| > returns #F if this information is not available.
| >
| > (procedure-code _proc_)
| >
| > Returns the source code for _proc_ as a lambda expression, in the
| > traditional representation as a list, or returns #F if no source
| > code is available for _proc_.
| These three could be merged if instead there were a single procedure
| that returned the location-annotated source of the procedure. At
| least, these three could be defined as primitives on top of that.
| Also, I really don't like this dependence on "files", but so be it.
I would like to distinguish between the source position and the
s-expression for the procedure.
The source position can vary a lot according to
- it came from a file (e.g. load)
- it came from an unnamed emacs-like buffer
- it came from an interactive stream
- it is the result of macro-expansion of define-record, or whatever
- it is the result of dynamic code generation by the program itself
Thus making it file-specific is too restrictive.
The s-expression, however, is somewhat independent of where the
characters came from, although it may be hard to produce because of
macro expansion.