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Re: Why would anyone want opacity?
Date: Wed, 01 May 1996 10:07:12 +0000
From: William D Clinger <will@ccs.neu.edu>
Aubrey Jaffer wrote:
> If we make opacity a first-class datatype, then it can be applied when
> desired, rather than thrust upon every closure, even when unwanted.
If opacity can be conferred on a procedure only by explicit
use of some source-language construct, then roughly half of
all compiler optimizations become illegal.
The ubiquity of lambda in Scheme code warrants a source-language
construct just to specify opacity of closures. Here is a way to do
this which is compatible with existing code and existing Scheme
- syntax: lambda <formals> <documentation> <body>
*Syntax:* <Formals> should be a formal arguments list as
described below, and <body> should be a sequence of one or more
expressions. <Documentation> is a string.
*Semantics:* A lambda expression evaluates to a procedure. ...
The `advertised' form of lambda is distinguished from the
`opaque' form by a string <documentation> between <formals> and
<body>. The <documentation> string and possibly other
information is accessible from advertised procedures (see *Note
Procedure Information); This information is not available for
opaque procedures. However, opaque procedures can be optimized
more aggressivly by compilers.
Procedures comprising a module interface should use the
advertised form.
(define add4
(let ((x 4))
(lambda (y) "adds 4 to the argument" (+ x y))))
(add4 6) => 10
(procedure-documentation add4)
=> "adds 4 to the argument"
(define advertised-wrapper
(letrec ((internal-procedure (lambda (a1 a2) (+ a1 a2))))
(lambda (a1 a2)
"This demonstrates how to advertise a procedure without
advertising the internal procedures"
(internal-procedure a1 a2))))
To the "Definitions" section add:
* `(define (<variable> <formals>) <documentation> <body>)'
This syntax is not essential. <Formals> should be either a
sequence of zero or more variables, or a sequence of one or more
variables followed by a space-delimited period and another
variable (as in a lambda expression). This form is equivalent to
(define <variable>
(lambda (<formals>) <documentation> <body>)).
* `(define (<variable> . <formal>) <documentation> <body>)'
This syntax is not essential. <Formal> should be a single
variable. This form is equivalent to
(define <variable>
(lambda <formal> <documentation> <body>)).
Here is a procedure to kick-off a "Procedure Information" section:
- syntax: procedure-documentation <procedure>
If <procedure> is an advertised procedure, then return the
<documentation> string with which <procedure> was closed; If
<procedure> is an opaque procedure, then return #f.
These enhancements fit naturally into Scheme.
* A string between the <formals> and <body> has no effect on execution
of a procedure.
* The use of such a string in a procedure as documentation is
compatible with Common Lisp.
* The possibility of extraction of said documentation string from a
procedure necessarily implies the procedure is not opaque.
* Inclusion of a documentation string in a procedure indicates that
the writer wishes to communicate information to another; thus it
makes sense to make other information about the procedure (like
arity) available for that documented procedure.