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macros expanding into definitions

   Date: Wed, 2 Dec 92 14:35:11 -0800
   From: William Clinger <will@skinner.cs.uoregon.edu>

   Aubrey Jaffer writes:

       ....I would
       still prefer that (if a variable is DEFINEd) a DEFINE of a variable be
       required to precede SET!s of that variable....

   I also think that allowing a SET! to precede a DEFINE that binds the
   variable it assigns will be confusing, but I think Jaffer's suggestion
   would be confusing also.  Does Jaffer mean to suggest that the DEFINE
   must precede the SET! statically or dynamically?  Both are confusing:

       (define (foo)
	 ; "statically precedes"
	 (cond ((read) (define x) (foo))
	       ((read) => (lambda (y) (set! x y) (foo)))
	       (else x)))

       (define (foo)
	 ; "dynamically precedes"
	 (cond ((read) => (lambda (y) (set! x y) (foo)))
	       ((read) (define x) (foo))
	       (else x)))

Both of these code examples are illegal to my understanding.  I would
be against allowing DEFINEs in any Scheme construct.  In the current
restriction, DEFINEs can only appear in a <body>, BEGIN, or top level.
In those constructs, there is no difference between the lexical and
dynamic order.

   So I think any generalization of internal definitions is going to
   make people more confused, not less confused, regardless of whether

       *  allow internal DEFINE anywhere, with no restriction; or
       *  require internal DEFINE to precede references and assignments
	  statically; or
       *  require internal DEFINE to precede references and assignments

   Please note that I have assumed that any restrictions placed on the
   relationship between DEFINE and SET! would apply equally to references.

Instead of the current restriction of internal defines to the
beginning of a <body>, how about this: Internal defines are restricted
to appearing in a <body> or a <begin> in a <body> or a <begin> in a
<begin> in a <body>...  Any SET!s or references to an internally
defined variable must occur after an internal definition of that
variable.  DEFINEs for a variable after the initial DEFINE in a <body>
(or top level) are equivalent to SET!s.

This spec avoids the problem of your example and satisfies GJR's
property that a working top level program can be encapsulated by LET.