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Re: records; BABY-DOE; another vote
Vote | Position
/ | I do not object to describing BABY-DOE in an appendix to
\ / | R4RS, provided its semantics is compatible with the semantics
\/ | I favor.
| I object to describing BABY-DOE in an appendix to R4RS.
/ | I do not object to semantics A: "for-effect" continuations
\ / | accept any number of return values.
\/ |
| I object to semantics A but I do not object to semantics B:
| "for-effect" continuations accept either zero or one return
| value.
| I object to semantics A and B but I do not object to
| semantics C: "for-effect" continuations accept one return
| value.
| None of the above. Either I object to BABY-DOE, or I object
| to Clinger's stupid characterization of the alternative
| semantics for BABY-DOE.
[but then you knew that]
P.S. look for a tape in the mail.