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Revised WITH-VALUES and VALUES (I think we are near agreement!)

   From: ramsdell@linus.mitre.org
   Date: Thu, 24 Aug 89 07:39:19 EDT

   (values obj ...)                                        essential procedure

   Returns 0 or more values to a receiving procedure (See with-values).

	   (values)        =>              returns zero (no) values

	   (values 1)      =>              returns a single value, 1

	   (values 1 'a) 	=>              returns two values, 1 and the symbol a

   Values applied to one argument simply returns its argument.  Returning
   more than one value or zero values to something other than a receiving
   procedure is an error.

May I suggest rewording the last sentence as follows?  This eliminates
a small ambiguity.

"Returning zero values or more than one value to something other than
a receiving procedure is an error."